We’re Ready to BOLT!
You have your VBS Kit… and now it’s time to BOLT!
Here is an easy way to access everything you need for a wonderful VBS experience at home. Take a look at your box of VBS goodies and review the instruction sheet. Most of the items you will need are provided in your VBS Kit… but check the “Supply List” for a few items that you will need to provide.
Each video will guide you through the lesson and includes sections for music, games, origami, and Bible teaching. You will simply “pause” the video to complete a task… or “rewind” if you need to see it again. BOLT is also very flexible! You can do the sessions whenever it is convenient for your family. (The recommended times are July 21-23 @ 10:00 a.m.)
Below are the video links for each of the 3 days of BOLT VBS along with links for the music playlist and the Missions Focus videos for Sweet Sleep. But first… make sure and start each day with “Say YES to VBS” as you get everyone singing and moving for a great time together!
If you have any questions along the way… please contact us by using the Messenger feature from our Facebook page @ https://www.facebook.com/fbcwashingtonga
Each day of BOLT has beautifully illustrated Bible stories and powerful, Christ-centered teaching built into the lesson. Periodically, families will be asked to pause the video and read from the Bible or discuss a question. This makes it so easy for parents to led their kids towards a heart-changing encounter with Jesus!
Here’s a breakdown of what your family will be learning:
Day 1: Parable of the Sower and the Seed (Luke 8:4-15)
- Big Idea: I can listen to Jesus
- Memory Verse: Psalm 119:105
Day 2: Jesus Walks on Water (Matthew 14:22-36)
- Big Idea: I can focus on Jesus
- Memory Verse: Proverbs 3:5
Day 3: Jesus Chooses His Disciples (Luke 5:1-11, 27-32)
- Big Idea: I can follow Jesus
- Memory Verse: Romans 8:39
Start each day with… Say YES to VBS!
Here are the video links for each of the 3 days of BOLT:
Day One:
Day Two:
Day Three:
Music Playlist:
Sweet Sleep Missions Experience
Check out this amazing missions focus as you learn about the ministry of Sweet Sleep!
Your family will be touched by the poverty and needs of children in Uganda and also inspired and encouraged by how the gift of rest can bring so much relief to those who are suffering.
Simply click the link below and follow the Day 1, Day 2 & Day 3 guides that include a brief video introducing some very special people and how they are finding physical, spiritual and economic rest!
Trust me… you will lay your head on your pillow tonight with a whole new appreciation for sweet sleep!
FBC Buddy System
Help encourage our senior adults during this pandemic:
1) Call once a week
2) Give one small gift (draw a picture, send a card, drop-off a small gift at their door…)
3) Pray for them!
How do I get an FBC Buddy?
Email the church at fbcwashingtonga@gmail.com or call 706-678-2912
Sample “script” for children to use when they call:
“Hello, my name is ______ and I attend First Baptist Church. I just called to check on you and see if there is anything you may need?
Our family would be happy to drop off some groceries or to pick up something at the store for you.
I also wanted you to know that I am praying for you.
Have a blessed day.”
* Feel free to share a Bible verse with them or to pray with them on the phone. You may also want to ask them what prayer needs they may have?
Join the FBC@Home journey as we provide intentional discipleship at Home through Family Meals, Faith Conversations, & Spiritual Formation.
Pick up your FBC@Home resources by driving through the covered pull-through near the FBC fellowship hall. You will see the FBC@Home table where you will find updated resources that will help you engage your family in fun and meaningful experiences with a focus on revitalizing your family table with Meals@Home and having intentional faith conversations with your kids.
Make sure and get your Meals@Home place-mats!! These will provide fun, interactive meal-time activities.
Real Love Ministries Haiti
Sponsorship is needed
for students
@ Real Love Academy!
1) Select the Sponsorship Card of the child you would like to sponsor.
(These are available at the church.)
2) Visit the Real Love Academy website at
3) Select the “Sponsorship Form” button/link and complete with your
information and the information about the student you have selected to
4) Select the “Give Today!” button/link and provide the information needed
for your recurring/monthly donation of $30/month using your checking
account or credit card information.
Stewardship Resources
Here are some great online resources to help as you are “Making Change” …
- Budget App and Website with free credit score: www.mint.com
- Dave Ramsey Online Budget Tool: www.everydollar.com
- Debt Snowball Worksheet: (Try this Excel document to help develop a debt-reduction plan using the “snowball” method) debt-reduction-calculator
- Crown Financial Website with lots of great resources – https://www.crown.org/resources/
We’re bringing VBS to your home!
It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3, … 4! Register Below!
Reserve your FREE VBS Kit today!!
Simply complete the Sign-Up form below and we will have your VBS-in-a-Box ready on July 18. Drive thru the parking lot at First Baptist Church (105 W. Robert Toombs Ave.) between 5:00-7:00 p.m. on Saturday, July 18 and you will receive everything you need for a wonderful VBS experience.
Each family will receive a box of VBS supplies including items for games, crafts, and snacks. Easy instructions are provided for you to access the online videos for each of the 3 days of VBS
(suggested dates are July 21-23 @ 10:00 a.m.)
*But you can use them anytime!*